Introducing .m3u8 Support for MyVideo Alexa Skill

Voice Activity Ltd
5 min read5 days ago


We’re excited to announce a new feature for the MyVideo Alexa skill: support for .m3u8 playlists! This enhancement allows you to stream internet TV directly from your Dropbox to your Echo devices. In this post, we will guide you through the process of using .m3u8 files with MyVideo, test your streams, and how to utilize the powerful search feature of the skill.

Supported languages (countries): English (Canada, UK, USA), German (Germany), French (Canada, France), Italian (Italy), Spanish (Spain, USA).
Availability: Free during beta, then part of a premium subscription.

How to Use .m3u8 Files with MyVideo

With the latest update, MyVideo skill can now handle .m3u8 files, but there are a few important points to note:

  1. Single .m3u8 Link Per File: Each .m3u8 file should contain only a single stream link.
  2. Testing Links: Not all .m3u8 links may work properly with the skill. It’s a good idea to test your streams using VLC player before adding them to your Dropbox for MyVideo to use.

Finding and Testing .m3u8 Links

You can find free .m3u8 streams online. Here are a few resources to get you started:

However, some of these links may not work as expected. Use VLC player to test them first:

  1. Open VLC Player.
  2. Go to Media > Open Network Stream.
  3. Enter the .m3u8 URL and click Open.
  4. Select any stream from the list and verify if the stream plays correctly.

Creating and Uploading .m3u8 Files

Once you have a working .m3u8 link, follow these steps to create a file and upload it to Dropbox:

  1. Create a .m3u8 File:
  • How to copy the URL from the VLC player
Select a stream and then Play
While a video is playing select Window > Media Information
Select General tab > Location
  • Open a text editor and paste the .m3u8 URL (Location)
  • Save the file with a .m3u8 extension.
#EXTINF:-1 tvg-id="Japanim.TV" group-title="Japanim TV (1080p)"

2. Upload to Dropbox:

  • Place the .m3u8 file in your Dropbox under Apps > MyVideo
If you wish you can create a video playlist containing all your .m3u8 streams.

Using the Search Feature in MyVideo

The MyVideo skill features a powerful a fuzzy search algorithm to handle Alexa’s common misspellings and variations in speech. This means it can find relevant results even when the search terms are not exact matches, allowing you to quickly find your playlists and videos. Here’s how it works:

  • Search by Playlist Name: Say, “Alexa, ask MyVideo to play Sci-fi,” and it will look for playlists with names similar to “Sci-fi.”
  • Search by Video Title: Say, “Alexa, ask MyVideo to play Cartoon network” and it will search for videos matching that title.

How MyVideo Search Works

When you link your Dropbox account with MyVideo, you create a structured library where each folder represents a playlist. Here’s a breakdown of how the search functionality operates:

  1. Playlist Search:
  • MyVideo first searches for a playlist (folder) name within the Dropbox — Apps — MyVideo directory.
  • If a playlist with the specified name is found, it starts playing that playlist.
  • If no matching playlist is found, the MyVideo proceeds to search for videos.

2. Search a video by name:

  • MyVideo scans all audio files within your Dropbox — Apps — MyVideo folders.
  • It searches for videos by name. If a matching video is found, it starts playing that video.
  • If no matching video is found, MyVideo will prompt you to adjust your search criteria.

Tips for Effective Search

To enhance your experience with MyVideo’s search functionality, here are some practical tips:

  1. Unique Naming:
  • Avoid using the same name for both a playlist and a video file. MyVideo prioritizes playlists in searches, so distinct names help ensure accurate results.
  • Refrain from starting video names with numbers. Instead of “01 video_name,” use “video_name 01” to improve Alexa’s recognition.

2. Short and Simple Names:

  • Using concise and distinct names for playlists and videos can significantly improve search accuracy. For instance, “Alexa, play Pokemon Kids TV from My Video” is clearer and more effective rather than “Alexa, play Pokemon Kids TV English 1080p from My Video”.

The addition of .m3u8 support opens up new possibilities for enjoying your media content with MyVideo. Whether it’s internet TV streams or your own HTTP streams, the skill now offers more flexibility and convenience. Remember to test your .m3u8 links with VLC player to ensure compatibility and take full advantage of the powerful search feature to find your content quickly.

We hope you enjoy this new feature. If you have any questions or feedback, feel free to reach out!

You may also interested in how to unlock thousands of internet radio stations with Sound Stream’s new m3u playlist support, check out our other post here.

Disclaimer: While we strive to provide accurate information and reliable links, not all .m3u8 streams may be compatible with MyVideo. Testing your links beforehand will help ensure a smooth experience.

Happy streaming with MyVideo!

